Tri-Star Basketball

Tri-Star Basketball is a district-wide skills competition for boys and girls age 8 – 13 that tests abilities in passing, shooting and dribbling. Optimist volunteers register about 1500 kids in local competitions, set up the competition in a gymnasium, administer and score each kid’s effort and then provide awards to the winners. Local competitions are held in January and February and the 3 top scoring kids in each gender/age bracket (36 kids) are invited to compete in one of 4 Regional Competitions. The Final Competition is held in conjunction with a Denver Nuggets game – usually in late March or early April. If scheduling allows, the competition is held on the floor of the Pepsi Center in the afternoon before that night’s game. Full information is at www.tristarbasketball.org.
Phil White Co-Chairperson
Joyce Laman Co-Chairperson
Michael Chavez Co-Chairperson