Colorado-Wyoming Optimist District
North Metro Clubs

The Boulder Luncheon Optimist Club meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at noon at the Backcountry Pizza & Tap House
2319 Arapahoe Ave. Boulder, CO For more information contact toby.leonard@fib.com. (Z3)

The Brighton Evening Optimist Club meets at the Brighton Optimist Hall on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6:30 PM. For more information contact gregorygrothe@gmail.com. (Z2)

The Erie Optimist Club meets the 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6PM at the Erie Community Library, 400 Powers St.,Erie. For more information contact james.sites@gmail.com. (Z3)

The Fort Lupton Optimist Club meets on the 2nd Thursday at Noon, Bank of Colorado
111 S. Rollie Ave. Fort Lupton. For more information contact Steve Moore, Club President. n2thdr@aol.com (Z2)

Some say that a day without laughter is not a day at all. At the Longmont Breakfast Optimist Club (LBOC), we absolutely agree. Whether it’s our morning reading of humor, good-natured teasing, or comical camaraderie, we walk out of our Thursday morning meetings with a leftover grin from the laughter.
Our breakfast meeting features a half-hour breakfast followed by a half-hour presentation featuring topics ranging from life in an Alaskan silver mine to mayoral candidates to NFL referees.
And we make a difference in Longmont. We coordinate and fund Shop-with-A-Cop, a program that connects local police with 5th Graders for a Christmas shopping trip. LBOC originated and supports Kid’s Fishing, an annual springtime event that introduces over 200 kids to fishing each year.
We’ve funded three Fire Safety Houses, actual tiny homes that teach fire safety to kids in the school district. We sponsor a world champion robotics team, a high school forensics team, at-risk teens at an alternative school, and more.
Want to be part of the fun? Want to join us at a local brewery or our annual bonfire celebration? Want to participate in our weekly Thursday morning breakfast at Perkins on North Main St. in Longmont? Stop in and be our guest. For details, contact Kathy Glenn at kathglenn66@gmail.com. We’re saving you a seat, a cup of coffee and an Optimist laugh! (Z3)

Westminster-Broomfield Optimist Club meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 9:00 am at IHOP, 221 W. 104th Ave. Northglenn, CO 80234. For more information contact smckenzatat@yahoo.com (Z8)